I’m learning that quiet can be found in some unlikely places. My local coffee shop is where this first landed with me. It’s right next door to our office, and I often pop over for a coffee in the middle of my workday. The cafe is always busy, always noisy, always chaotic.
And yet, the other day, as I was waiting for my Americano, I found quiet. Standing by the window reading a magazine article, I became absorbed in the words on the page. I was present to the content in front of me, and nothing else.
A few minutes later, the article complete, I looked up and realized that as I had been reading, the noise and busy-ness of the cafe fell away. I felt refreshed and ready to go back to my workday. I’d been in the cafe at the peak of morning rush, and yet I’d found a precious moment of quiet.
I’ve been reflecting on this through the week, and realizing that quiet can potentially be found anywhere. Quiet lives within us and within our focus as much as it exists externally around us. Quiet can be found in a moment of making a choice to be present to what is in front of us.